Serve the Lord with Gladness

South Wisconsin District

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) helps women of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) find avenues to use their God-given talents as they joyfully share the Good News of Jesus Christ with people far and near. Through the LWML, thousands of volunteers daily dedicate their lives to making a difference in this world. They equip themselves for the task through prayer, encouraging Bible studies, and mission education.
“The purpose of the LWML SWD is to assist each woman in the congregations of our district in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her Spirit-endowed gifts in reaching out with Christ’s love to all the people of her church, neighborhood, and the world.”
Spring 2024 Mission Lamp!

May 1, 2024

The Spring 2024 Mission Lamp is ready for you to read! Find it by clicking on the golden Mission Lamp button on the Home Page in the top left corner. Also new: Archived copies of the Mission Lamp for ...

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Ice Breaker Activity - Piggy Profile

Feb 6, 2024

Here is a fun activity to get people at your meeting engaged! Those who attended the recent LWML SWD Winter Getaway participated in this activity and asked that it be made available to a wider audience.

The instructions are to give ...

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