Serve the Lord with Gladness

South Wisconsin District

Update on LWML SWD 2022-2024 Mission Grants

Mon, Oct 9, 2023 12:00 AM

Grants #1-#9 are paid. Grant #10 is for Doxology - Care for Clergy Wives $8,000.  (As of September 30 we were just $527.05 short of paying grant #10 )This will allow for a pilot program reaching the wives of church workers in an effort to encourage and promote mental well being. NOTE: The SWD LCMS District withdrew Grant #5 (Outreach to Female Inmates) and returned the $15,000. To have enough Mission Grants for the mite goal, the Board of Directors, approved changing Grant #11 SOS Center Designed for Success from a partial payment to full payment, and included the next ranked grant, to fully fund Grant #12 Hispanic Outreach to Sheboygan Co. The biennium ends March 31, 2024…Keep sending in those mites!!