Serve the Lord with Gladness

South Wisconsin District

Scholarship to attend the 2019 LWML SWD Fall Retreat

Fri, Jul 12, 2019 12:00 AM


Are you interested in attending but unsure if you can swing the cost or do you know a young woman you think would enjoy the retreat? 

Did you know that there is a Scholarship Fund the “The Love of Christ” (TLC) to provide financial assistance to attending a retreat? Ten $100 scholarships per retreat are available. The deadline is fast approaching. Applications need to be received by August 1, 2019 to be considered.

Scholarships are used toward registration first and various other expense for the event. Scholarships are considered on an individual basis and a new application must be submitted for each event. Confidentiality of all applicants, including those awarded scholarships, is a high priority.

Complete an application today!!

TLC Scholarship Application: TLC Scholarship available for LWML SWD events

The Love of Christ Scholarship (Scholarship Fund) was established in 1998 to assist women in South Wisconsin District who wish to attend district retreats and conventions.